People have gotten another 10 years out of their kitchens this way.
In todays’ environment, we are doing a lot of brightening kitchens verses helping the owners to renovate them. Your kitchen experience can go from one of dingy to exciting and inspiring. As long as the boxes and hinges are in good shape you can simply paint your cabinets. We suggest if there are extensive dings, such as dog scratches, to choose the option of painting verses re-staining. Also removing the old varnish, dirt and grease should be done with a liquid deglossing agent. This way, you don’t create new scratches, in addition to missing spots that adhersion of the paint might become a concern.
If there are any large dents or grooves in the cabinets, you may want to fill them with a good wood filler first. After the finish is removed, clean the cabinets with a cloth to dust and dry thoroughly.
Prime the cabinets with a stain-blocking primer designed for glossy surfaces.
When choosing a paint type, it is about the desired look you want to achieve. We prefer an oil-based paint. This way you get a nice even coverage with a richer depth to the finished cabinet. A beautiful soft low luster appearance can be obtained with a satin finish. I prefer to use high-gloss for a fun, exciting clean look.
Painting your cabinets is a project and you might want to consider reading some blogs about people that have tried to do it themselves. There are steps in making sure the outcome is amazing which need to be followed with attention to the details, and taking your time.
Remember: Remove all hardware. Also, consider replacing it with a new set to really get your cabinets cooking.
Featured in February 2016 Edition of THE PAINTED LADY, published by Jody Finglas
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